
a war we fight, not just physical but deeper than that, a spiritual war we wage... two sides to it, what side do we choose? i am fighting for God!


a vision...

Sunday, March 23, 2008

~ Water Baptism ~

"Whether that means life or death, no matter!"
~ Philippians 1:21 (My Utmost for His Highest) ~

This is my life verse, and it is what I live by, declaring it to everyone as I got baptised today.
Today, was one of the biggest days of my life, besides the day that I recommited my life to God.
It was the day that I got my Water Baptism.

Since I came to Heart of God Church, I've always dreamt and wanted to get myself water baptised, after being baptised in the Holy Spirit. Today, this finally came through, and I am at a lost of words, for words can never expressed the feelings and range of emotions that I've gotten today.

Today, as I stepped into the pool, awaiting my baptism, I felt God's presence, and it reassured me of my decision to take this step of faith, this step of declaration and to surrender all that I was to Him.

I will always remember the point when Pastors placed their hands upon me, and declared, 'Colin, I baptise you in the name of the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit!', and I was placed into the pool of water and out in less than 1 minute.

Yet, in that short few seconds that I was in the water, I felt God's presence. It was a presence, that really allowed me to feel totally clean, and a joy filled my heart & spirit. I then heard a Voice, that simply said, 'It is done!'

I came out, feeling very light, and more joyous then I ever had been! Feeling a love that I knew could only come from God for it made me tear and just praise Him in my spirit.

God is an awesome God!

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