
a war we fight, not just physical but deeper than that, a spiritual war we wage... two sides to it, what side do we choose? i am fighting for God!


a vision...

Sunday, March 23, 2008

~ Water Baptism ~

"Whether that means life or death, no matter!"
~ Philippians 1:21 (My Utmost for His Highest) ~

This is my life verse, and it is what I live by, declaring it to everyone as I got baptised today.
Today, was one of the biggest days of my life, besides the day that I recommited my life to God.
It was the day that I got my Water Baptism.

Since I came to Heart of God Church, I've always dreamt and wanted to get myself water baptised, after being baptised in the Holy Spirit. Today, this finally came through, and I am at a lost of words, for words can never expressed the feelings and range of emotions that I've gotten today.

Today, as I stepped into the pool, awaiting my baptism, I felt God's presence, and it reassured me of my decision to take this step of faith, this step of declaration and to surrender all that I was to Him.

I will always remember the point when Pastors placed their hands upon me, and declared, 'Colin, I baptise you in the name of the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit!', and I was placed into the pool of water and out in less than 1 minute.

Yet, in that short few seconds that I was in the water, I felt God's presence. It was a presence, that really allowed me to feel totally clean, and a joy filled my heart & spirit. I then heard a Voice, that simply said, 'It is done!'

I came out, feeling very light, and more joyous then I ever had been! Feeling a love that I knew could only come from God for it made me tear and just praise Him in my spirit.

God is an awesome God!

Monday, March 3, 2008

~ Serving and Believing ~

"Feed My sheep"
~ John 21: 17 ~

A simple 3 words that mean so much, in so many ways. Yet, it provokes the mind, provokes the heart, provokes the spirit.

When the Lord asks us to feed His sheep, it's easy to say that we understand and that we will do it. It's easy to answer, 'Yes Lord, I will do it!'

But, do we really understand what does it fully entail and live it out?

Many times, while we serve and when we love, we say it's impossible and tiring, cause of different and special characters. Characters that we are not used to, characters that we are uncomfortable with, and characters that sometimes are in conflict with who we are.

However, when the calling comes and the commission has been laid, it is a simple rule... to LOVE.

Love not from our own capacity, but drawing it from our Father, and love only like the Father can. It something so simple yet so hard, yet we've to understand this and tap onto it. It's not easy, but it's the ONLY way.

Love is from God, so who else better to learn from but Him. He Who loves us more then we ever deserved.

The question now is, do you believe that you can do it? Do you believe that we can trust the Lord, and love & serve like He wants us to do, and like Him?

"Sir, Thou hast nothing to draw with"
~ John 4:11 ~

How much faith do we have in our Father?

When we say that we cannot accomplish something, we're actually not trusting in the Lord. It's as though we are saying that God can't do the things that we want to do.

It's as though we question His almighty power and we belittle Him who guides us, directs us and empowers us.

'where's thy faith'
That's the question one has to ask.

"Lift up your eyes on high, and behold Who hath created these things."
~ Isaiah 40:26 ~

Our imagination and faith should never be limited. What we should do however, is to expand our vision and plant our faith.

We can only do this when we sit back and raise our eyes, dreams and visions up to God, and know that He is God.

Only then, can we truly grow and endure all in Him.
Only then, can we truly believe and live.
Only then, can we truly...

Live, Learn, Lead

Only then, can we truly...